Concern Dialog Law Firm was ranked the highest by Top Ranked Legal rating organization
Concern Dialog Law Firm received the highest rating by Top Ranked Legal a reputable ranking organizaiton. Among 16 presented Armenian law firms, Concern Dialog is leading both in Banking and Finance and General Business Law fields. The Law Firm received the highest score of 10 for both fields in the Armenian legal market.
Top Ranked Legal was set up by two legal publishers, each with over 20 years’ experience in law firm rankings research and publishing at Chambers and Partners and Euromoney. The aim of Top Ranked Legal is to provide a one stop shop for both clients and law firms to access easy to use, comprehensive ranking data.
Top Ranked Legal uses a unique algorithm based on the quality of law firm rankings and has produced easy to search tables showing the highest ranked firms in more than 150 jurisdictions and across key regions.
Clients can easily search for Top Ranked Legal firms by name, practice area, jurisdiction or region and get straight to the information they need quickly.
For more information please see:
1 Charents str., Office 207 Yerevan, 0025, Armenia
[email protected] +374 60 27 88 88 +374 10 57 51 211 Charents str., Office 207 Yerevan, 0025, Armenia
[email protected] +374 60 27 88 88 +374 10 57 51 21